52ky 发表于 2021-8-21 15:52:55

Data Structures and Program Design Using C++: A Self-Teaching Introduction

数据结构提供了一种管理大量信息(例如大型数据库)、有效使用 SEO 以及创建 Internet/Web 索引服务的方法。 本书旨在以友好的自学形式为初学者使用 C++ 编程语言介绍数据结构的基础知识。 使用现实世界应用程序的实际类比贯穿全书以解释技术概念。 本书包括各种章末练习,例如编程、理论和多项选择。

(Data structures provide a means to managing large amounts of information such as large databases, using SEO effectively, and creating Internet/Web indexing services. This book is designed to present fundamentals of data structures for beginners using the C++ programming language in a friendly, self-teaching, format. Practical analogies using real world applications are integrated throughout the text to explain technical concepts. The book includes a variety of end-of-chapter practice exercises, e.g., programming, theoretical, and multiple-choice.)

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