[其它视频/教程] 阿里美团滴滴京东终极面试指导

发表于 2022-4-11 12:20:00
课程真实还原了一个互联网架构师面试的全过程,带领学生了解当下一线互联网公司面试的真实考验。 课程将涵盖架构性能、高可用、高并发、JVM和MySQL性能优化等诸多方面的实际问题。 出发可以让学生在接受Offer时更加自信。

(The course truly restores the whole process of an Internet architect interview, and leads students to understand the real test of the interview of current front-line Internet companies. The course will cover many practical problems, such as architecture performance, high availability, high concurrency, JVM and MySQL performance optimization. Departure can make students more confident when accepting offers.)



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