[微信小程序] 云开发美团饿了么。外卖红包促销小程序源码CPS赚提成

发表于 2023-1-29 16:39:35
云开发美团饿了么外卖红包推广小程序源码 CPS赚佣金+可编译成h5








比如跳转饿了么小程序:minapp: { appid: ‘wxece3a9a4c82f58c9’, path: ‘pages/sharePid/web/index?scene=https://s.click.ele.me/wR9ecuu’}

(Cloud development Meituan is hungry. Takeaway red envelope promotion applet source code CPS earns commission + can be compiled into h5
How to use Meituan Ele.me CPS red envelopes, when others receive red envelopes to place orders, you get promotion commissions

The source code is a uniapp project, you need to download hbuilder to import the project and package it, which can be compiled into h5 or a small program (the jump address is the path of the small program)

Notice! After the source code is installed, if you find that there is encryption, authorization, and you need to add someone to QQ, please give up using it. Be careful that there are backdoor horses and the risk of being cheated. This site will not add any backdoor Trojan horse viruses.

1. How to get the promotion link of Meituan Ele.me:

Meituan Union: https://union.meituan.com/

Are you hungry: https://pub.alimama.com/

2. How to package it into a small program

If compiled into a small program, you need to configure the small program path in coupons

For example, jump to the Ele.me applet: minapp: { appid: ‘wxece3a9a4c82f58c9’, path: ‘pages/sharePid/web/index?scene=https://s.click.ele.me/wR9ecuu’})



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