[其它视频/教程] 企业级容器技术与K8S集群技术实践

发表于 2023-3-8 09:48:56
本课程专为初学者设计,您可以从零开始学习这门技术。我们将带您了解所有 K8 的基础知识,并帮助您理解这些概念。课程内容包括云原生存储ROOK集群技术、持久化存储PV&PVC、K8s存储Volumes、Prometheus集群自动化监控、Ingress Nginx技术、Ceph和Redis集群实践技术等超一线实践技术。

(This course is designed for beginners, you can learn this technique from scratch. We'll walk you through the basics of all K8s and help you understand the concepts. The course content includes cloud-native storage ROOK cluster technology, persistent storage PV&PVC, K8s storage Volumes, Prometheus cluster automatic monitoring, Ingress Nginx technology, Ceph and Redis cluster combat technology and other super-first-line combat technologies.)




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