[邮电通讯系统] 无线传感器网络的一种双簇头设计的拓扑控制算法

发表于 2022-7-31 12:59:54

(This paper proposes a method of double-cluster head scheme, which selects two cluster heads in the same cluster: one is the formal cluster head, which is responsible for collecting and blending data within the cluster; the other is the auxiliary cluster head, which is responsible for routing between clusters. The data. The simulation results show that the method effectively realizes the load balancing of the network and prolongs the survival time of the network without adding the complexity of the algorithm.)


上一篇:无线传感器网络简明教程_第三章 传感器网络的通信与组网技术
下一篇:H3CTE认证教材_第7章中低端LAN Switch故障排除

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