[vc书籍] 高级编程技术实现书籍 pdf格式下载

发表于 2021-6-10 17:59:27
高级编程技术实现书籍 pdf格式下载,使用过 Windows 系统的用户都感受到了图形用户界面的直观和高效。所有 Windows 系统的应用程序都拥有相同或相似的基本外观,包括窗口、菜单、工具条、状态栏等,从而降
低了学习成本和难度。而且 Windows 是一个多任务的操作环境,它允许用户同时运行多个应
用程序,或在一个程序中同时做几件事情。例如,我们可以边欣赏 MP3 的音乐边 IE 冲浪,
可以在运行 WORD 时同时编辑多个文档等。用户直接通过鼠标或键盘来使用应用程序,或在
不同的应用程序之间进行切换,非常方便。这些都是单任务、命令行界面的 DOS 操作系统所
不过,各个版本的 C 语言系统都提供了大量的功能各异的标准库函数,借助这些函数
读者也可以轻松地实现具有类 Windows系统应用程序界面特征的或更加生动复杂的 DOS系统
应用程序,同时可以更好地体会 C 语言的功能强大和编码高效。本章的重点是介绍如何利用
Turbo C2.0 系统所提供的相关函数来实现文本和图形的显示、键盘和鼠标的操作控制、图

(Advanced programming technology realizes the download of books in pdf format. Users who have used Windows systems have all felt the intuitive and efficient graphical user interface. All Windows series
All applications of the system have the same or similar basic appearance, including windows, menus, toolbars, status bars, etc., thereby reducing
Lower the cost and difficulty of learning. Moreover, Windows is a multitasking operating environment, which allows users to run multiple applications at the same time.
Use programs, or do several things in one program at the same time. For example, we can enjoy MP3 music while surfing in IE,
You can edit multiple documents at the same time while running WORD. The user directly uses the mouse or keyboard to use the application, or in
Switching between different applications is very convenient. These are all single-task, command-line interface DOS operating systems.
However, each version of the C language system provides a large number of standard library functions with different functions, with the help of these functions
Readers can also easily implement a more vivid and complex DOS system with the characteristics of a Windows-like system application program interface.
Application program, at the same time, you can better appreciate the powerful functions and efficient coding of the C language. The focus of this chapter is to introduce how to use
Turbo C2.0 system provides related functions to realize text and graphics display, keyboard and mouse operation control, graphics
Shape drawing, animation generation, music performance, Chinese character display, image display and precise time control technologies. These technologies are incompatible with
The hardware of the computer is closely linked, and readers are required to consult relevant materials when necessary.)


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下一篇:高级编程石硬件基础教程 - 电子书下载

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