[软件工程] C++和Lua联合编程实践,提高C++程序员的开发效率

发表于 2022-4-7 11:08:28
本课程从实用角度讲解高性能脚本Lua和C++的联合开发。 该方案已被大量需要性能的系统采用,成为高性能脚本的首选方案,如魔兽世界、博德之门、仙剑奇侠传等大量使用lua的游戏 Fairy等,高性能视频应用也在使用lua&c++(比如作者的公司),最近击败韩国围棋游戏的AlphaGo也在使用c++&lua。

(This course explains the joint development of high-performance script Lua and C + + from a practical point of view. This scheme has been adopted by a large number of systems that need performance, and has become the preferred scheme for high-performance scripts, such as world of Warcraft, Bode's gate, fairy sword, Qixia biography and other games that use Lua a lot. High performance video applications are also using Lua & C + + (such as the author's company). Alphago, which recently defeated the Korean go game, is also using C + + & Lua.)

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